Path to Excellence and Innovation History

Path to Excellence and Innovation (PEI) Background

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Acquisition and Logistics Management (OALM) launched the PEI Initiative in response to Executive Order (EO) 13779: The White House Initiative to Promote Excellence and Innovation at Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

This EO issued in 2017 encourages federal agencies to assist in strengthening HBCUs’ ability to:

  • equitably participate in federal programs,
  • explore new ways to improve the relationship between the federal government and HBCUs, and
  • establish how each respective agency intends to increase the capacity of HBCUs to compete effectively for grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements.

Enhanced the OMB federally approved HBCU Portal (PEI Database)

  • NIH single sign-on portal integration for NIH/HHS users
  • Update of layout and design
  • added a support request feature to support PEI Technical Assistance Center
  • Created monthly and Quarterly Report Data Analytical Reports
  • Created data analytics and visualization of the audit log
  • Added a feature to promote contract and grant opportunities.
  • NIH/HHS acquisition and program officials in addition to other federal agencies can utilize this tool to conduct market research, promote upcoming events and opportunities, and add/promote student internship opportunities.

Developed and Implemented the PEI Advisory Committee

  • Mission: To advise on matters that directly concern the NIH PEI Initiative, its purpose, activities, and functions.
  • The committee was established to give advice and recommendations to the NIH PEI leadership. To provide guidance to the NIH SBPO on how to maximize contract opportunities, provide strategic insights, and advise on the growth of contract opportunities for the NIH PEI Initiative across NIH Institutes and Centers.

PEI and ARPA-H Mentorship

  • The PEI Initiative has been asked to mentor the APRA-H HBCU and MSI engagement team. A guide with criteria for providing mentorship support to the team is in development.

Hosted 2nd Annual Presidents and Chancellor Roundtable

  • The purpose of this annual meeting is to keep the PEI 2.0 Presidents and Chancellors updated on the achievements of the Initiative, next steps, and to receive recommendations.
  • Roundtable Highlights:
    • The FY2023 Roundtable was attended by 20 HBCUs and MSIs, 6 NIH I/Cs, and the White House Initiative on HBCUs
    • HBCU highlights from Howard University, Morgan State University, and Texas Southern University.
  • Collaborative Models for Building for Building Equality and Equity in Research Conference:
    • The conference aimed to foster dialogue and collaboration among research leaders, program managers, industry stakeholders, advocates, and policymakers. It served as a platform to discuss the barriers HBCUs and MSIs face in accessing agency programs that benefit underserved communities. Conference Highlights:
      • Panel Discussions & Breakout Sessions featuring leaders from WHIHBCU, HHS, NIH, other federal agencies, and private industry.
      • Poster Sessions presented by HBCUs and Small Businesses
      • 18 NIH I/Cs were represented, and 11 Federal Agencies were represented.
      • Remarks provided by Congressional representatives: Robin Kelly, 2nd District, Ill; Kweisi Mfume, 7th District, Md; Chris Van Hollen, US Senator, Md
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