Small Business Program Office Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I market my company to the NIH?

  • Attend NIH and HHS events for networking and information
  • Attend Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) events
    • Monthly Vendor Outreach Sessions (VOS)
      • Held every second Tuesday of the month if you wish to speak with the NIH Small Business (SB) Specialist and other HHS Small Business Specialists who support the NIH, IHS, HRSA, CDC, CMS, ASPR, ASFR, ARHQ, and SAMHSA.
      • Registration is on
    •  The HHS Office of Small Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) hosts annual Small Business Industry Days for all HHS Agencies and Operating Divisions.
  • Register your profile and capability statement in and check there for HHS updates.


2. How can companies get work with NIH especially if they do not have past performance?

  • Conduct market research to determine if you have relevant capabilities
    • Use the NIH procurement forecast,,, etc.
  • Subcontract with current primes
  • Utilizing the resources on the NIH SBPO website including:
    • NIH procurement forecast updated quarterly on our homepage
    • The NIH Simplified Acquisition Points of Contact
    • The NIH-Wide Contract Vehicles Presentation


3. What were your small business goals and achievements for FY2023? 

NIH Small business achievements 2023

  4. Relevant Resources

5. What’s the difference between the HHS Office of Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization & the NIH Small Business Program Office?

OAMP Front Office Organization Chart

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